Personally, I have a problem with the key bindings.
For instance, building things is a pain in the rear for me. I have E bound to "move forward." I know this is weird to some people, and that I might be the only one. However, I've had this binding in virtually every game I've played for over 12 years now and it hasn't been a problem until now.
And yes, I have other problems with the E key -- like looting. What's up with E being looting some things (containers) and KEYPAD-ENTER, as I have it mapped, doing it other times (single items)?
Anyway, I can't move forward or backwards when I'm trying to place a building. I'm assuming that you are supposed to be able to do so -- maybe you aren't -- but if you aren't, that's a whole other problem. I'm left with guessing that a building (or whatever) will fit in the space I want it to. I can move side to side, because my left and right strafe "keys" are mapped to my mouse buttons #4 and #5 and those don't interfere with the built-in key binds.
I would be nice to have the ability to have two keys bound to the same action; in my case E and ARROW UP would operate as move forward where I could use E to move my character and UP ARROW when building, as many games do.
If you have suggestions, I open to them.
(Disclaimer: I'm at work at the moment, and can't check for accuracy of my statements. I'm going off memory, which when you are as old as I, can be sketchy at times.)