Srsly ANOTHER console-port done bad.
That you just have all the keys in a romb/Square for conversation as if you are playing with a controller is just the first step. That the ARROWKEYS are the default convesation keys is the second one. HOW HARD can it be to actually just line all the text up in 4 lines and ad 1-2-3-4 to them instead so PC users that dont like controllers can have an intuitive UI?
Also, you might want to add 2nd mouse key to back out of menus instead of tab, or atleast let ppl have several key-binds for the same command.
WHY oh WHY do almost every game that is released now have to have clunky PC-controlls just cause developers cant add about 2 weeks of work to get some correct PC-UI Components.
The only games that feels normal on PC nowadays are games like SC, LoL, Dota2 etc that are made for PC. Every single port made are Always super-clunky. I mean, there got to be ppl playing the game on PC at Bethesda but... from how the UI is made it sure does not feel like it.