the game isnt saving or giving me the load option(not highlighted).
and i cant get full screen
the game isnt saving or giving me the load option(not highlighted).
and i cant get full screen
Hi richeek!
Issues related to game saves on PC often occur due to the user's security privileges on the machine they are playing on.
If you are experiencing issues viewing or creating new saves in your game, you should check your PC for any software which prevents writing new files and the game folders to ensure that you have write permissions enabled.
By default, the folders that the game will need to write to are in your Documents library. INI files are written to \Documents\My Games\Fallout4, and saves are written to \Documents\My Games\Fallout4\Saves. You should check that you have write permissions to both of these folders. You can do so by right-clicking on the folder, selecting Properties, and then navigating to the Security tab. To change permissions, click Edit.
Can you please post a dxdiag for us behind spoiler tags so we can take a look at your system? Some resolutions and aspect ratios are not supported, so you may be unable to run full-screen depending on your setup.