I was very wrong to have expected more from one of the most respected game developers on the planet. This game is nowhere near the polished product it could/should have been - what happened? Did you spend all the budgeted money on Fallout Shelter? Because that looks pretty damn polished [and VERY well advertised/plugged]
Did you get even one report from all your FO4 beta testers? Or were they all too enthralled at actually playing a Fallout game before the rest of the planet that they forgot to send them? Are you using focus groups filled with morons or what? I have seen more bugs in this initial release than in the last three released bethesda games COMBINED.
The first 3 hours of this game have screamed nothing but "PORTED FROM CONSOLE" to me. The dialogue system is terrible- only one or two word responses, console-centric "dialogue wheel" with only 4 choices? This is absolutely made for the lowest common denominator of society.
You sacrificed all that was great in FO3 and NV [specifically the NPC depth,dialogue choices, being good or evil - PLAYERS CHOICE - all that is gone] to make a game designed for low IQ plebs to thoroughly enjoy. Where's the RPG that Fallout is supposed to be synonymous with? GONE, that's where.
This game has all the hallmarks of an Arcade Shoot-em-up like DOOM, with just a few basic RPG elements thrown in amongst the pitiful amount and quality of voice acted NPCs.
It certainly feels to me like you have spent only the last few months porting this game to PC and then only half finished it! Expecting mod makers to do the rest of your work for you.
I already got a refund and will never again pay up-front for one of your games.