I feel you Telvanni.
With the tons of items to collect, housing feature, etc. It's beyond me why an item placement system (disabling any collision/physics during placement, allowing item clipping and floating) was never released in any Bethesda vanilla games.
I'm a mouse/keyboard user, but even with a console controller it could be handy :
- Classic drop and drag, plus a key in item placement mode to fix objects in place/remove any physics forever.
- For more precise purposes and to avoid physics problems (physics engines will always have some) : enter in item placement mode, 3 keys for X Y Z axe (press to make appear axes over the object), 1 key to move along axes, another to rotate around axes. Position it, then press a key to fix/remove physics.
This could be only allowed in cells or areas owned by the player if they care about exploits (but who cares in a single player game which can be modded ?).
This feature is awaited by tons of players since Oblivion (2006). In fact the best vanilla game for that was probably Morrowind
The placement was tedious, but at least when something was placed it was there forever.
I don’t have F4 yet (waiting for keybinds to be fixed, azerty+arrow user here
), but the new building system gave me false hope at first. Once again it seems we’ll have to wait months or years for modders to do the job (at least PC players have some hope). Unfortunately it’s hard for them : no access to the full game source, have to wait for Script Extender functions, eventually to UI mods/functions. Would be so much easier for Bethesda devs...