Game keeps crashing at certain areas of the map

Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 12:29 pm

Every time I walk towards a certain area of the map during certain quests my game freezes and crashes which sends me back to the Xbox dashboard. This is happening when I try to complete the Boston After Dark quest and the Hunter/Hunted quest. I cannot pass a certain point without the game completely freezing and crashing. This only happens in these specific areas of the map. Has this happened to anyone else and how can I fix this problem? Will there be an update that will patch this problem?
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 12:03 am

I have the same problem, I think in the same area too (just north of Boston?). I've tried everything and nothing fixes it, and now a main quest is in the area. I can't progress with the story any more. 98 hours of game play and I probably have to start over. Bethesda needs to fix this ASAP.
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