» Sun Nov 29, 2015 4:34 pm
The issue or bug is due to planting them too close to each other. Essentially, when in build mode, the game highlights as green a placement that seems legit but is too close and will cause inactive 'dead' plants that cant be moved, tended, or grow food.
You are SOL on the current mut fruits 'deactivated' but there is a work around once you plant new ones. All plants can have this issue but mut fruit in particular is notorious. If any part of the mut fruit leaves touch or get even close to touching, you can have this bug happen.
Also happens to any plant that is planted too close to another game object like a fence or wall. Same concept, if leaves touch or come too close to touching fence, wall, other plant - it can get into same dead state. Mut fruit just is more picky because it is wider than say corn, which can be planted closer (but still leave room to walk between)
1. Use console to disable and markfordelete the bugged plants
2. Decide in your mind how and where you want to lay down new patch of mut fruit - i typically use 6 x 4 grid, and lay down one line of 6 at a time, assign worker, then eventually expand later into the full planned out grid.
3. Plant new mut fruit but spaced about double the minimum green zone you see when trying to plant. Basically, make sure each mut fruit has enough separation between them that you or an NpC char could easily walk between without touching leaves of either plant. If you see pre-existing mut fruit like at Grey Gardens, they are all planted this way - and they never have problems.
4. Make sure there are no other objects the mut fruit is close to touching like side fences or walls.
Basic rule of thumb - if you can walk between each plant and whatever side fence without clipping anything, that is about the minimum safe distance you need.
Crops that are not tended by assigned worker wont grow anything but are not 'dead' - can still move them in build mode,
Crops that have this issue / bug cant be activated in build mode to move, assign, etc, and wont grow anything even when worker tends to nearby plants.
If you see existing farms the NPCs/game setup, you'll see plenty of separation and are good examples of how you should plant. At first i thought they were just wasting space - turns out they were smarter than us.