.....All I seem to be doing is wishing the day away to get home to play FO4 and continually reading these threads. Anyone else in the same boat?
.....All I seem to be doing is wishing the day away to get home to play FO4 and continually reading these threads. Anyone else in the same boat?
Definitely. I even loaded Fallout 4 onto my work PC so I could play in my breaks. Here's to nobody checking my hardware so I can replace the bits with my old stuff from home.
I've considered PS-TV/Remote play in the work board room, they have a lovely 4K flat screen in there. Fair to say I lack the "big brass balls" to do that........... At the moment.
Oh boy...I do...I really do...45 minutes to go, than I'm off for another splendid evening of playing Fallout 4 and ignoring my girl xD (She fogives me, cause she's a gamergirl, so no probs there!)
Lucky. My wife doesn't play games. She accepts I enjoy them, and won't hassle me if a make some time for them, but it's not something we can share together. My evenings consist of getting my daughter to bed (which I really enjoy), then finish any housework that's left, spend an obligatory hour doing something with my wife, and then I get to play games. I'm normally lucky if I get an hour a night, normally starting at around 2200hrs. I'm loving Fallout 4 so much the advlt stuff I have to is starting to get really annoying. Ah, to be a teenager again.
Yep same here. On the brightside - three hours to go! I've tried 'just having a quick game before I do something else' but then the next thing I know it's midnight.
I snuck around the office today looking for loot...
HR is supposed to talk with me about this later. Apparently, this is frowned upon.
Fallout 4 - Not for real life....
I've only played 1 hour of Fallout 4 so far and I can't think of anything else! I'm looking at tweaks and screenshots and various Fallout 4 topics. Thankfully, I have nobody that tells me I can't play when I get home this evening. I just have to take out Dogmeat... I mean Tara, feed her and the cats, then heat up some dinner and eat while playing FO4 the whole evening!
Ah, the single life... nothing better! hehe
LOL @ looting the office! At least we don't have giant radroaches in here!
Love this.... I have taken a second look at my desk fan a couple of times today.
Don't talk about giant roaches...this legendary roach sticking in the side of that huge truck at the outskirts of Diamond City still gives me goose bumps...
OMG like the Legendary Bloatfly wasn't enough, now we have Legendary Roaches? Geez... I will take my time getting to Diamond City! *shudders* LOL
Can't stop thinking about this game. Keep finding myself whistling the songs.
Same here, also I kept thinking about hidden super mutants last night taking the trash out in the stormy dark
That's Me 100%
Everything seems like an inconvenience getting in the way of me sat down in front of my PC....