Where's the brightness slider?? How can this game not have a brightness slider?? It's so bright I never notice when it's nighttime. Also, how can this game not have a brightness slider?? Where is it????
Where's the brightness slider?? How can this game not have a brightness slider?? It's so bright I never notice when it's nighttime. Also, how can this game not have a brightness slider?? Where is it????
I'm not trying to adjust the brightness of my monitor, I'm trying to adjust the brightness of the game.
Seems like the only way to turn down the brightness is to fiddle with your monitor/tv settings. Had to do it yesterday.
Just manage to do it on the TV, there's no need to create a topic for that
I will install a mod for this, but not until CK is out and NMM manager handles Fallout 4 properly. Not risking my saves with the current mods.
You're missing the point, buddy. ALL games have brightness sliders, and Beth games in particular should ALWAYS have one cause they're as bright as a nuclear explosion.
Cool, might give it a shot then cause it's getting painful.
ofc there is a need such options belong in the game !!!!!!!
I ask the same question, why there is no brightness slider!? I don't want to change the monitor.tv settings every time I start the game, is just insane
brightness slider is a basic and necessary feature
I would also like to change the settings in-game... Why on earth would I want to change my monitor every single time I start and exit the game?
Any news of whether a slider will be patched in?
This one will make the nights darker http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/191/?tab=2&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Ffallout4%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D191&pUp=1
ps: Is there a Fallout 3 color palette mod?
Possibly try the..."splash screen" Options (the thing that pops up when you launch the game but before you press Play). It has a few options that aren't available in game.
For a developer who goes out of their way to support and engage the modding community, they sure do skimp on the absolute basics of customization. It's shocking and confusing.
Cool, will look at that.
I'm not too sure about those mods that are out right now. Looks...slightly less than legit.
It would be nice if it was in there. Not the best place for it, unless for some reason Gamma can not be adjusted in game, but at least it would be somewhere.