hey everyone i want to play this game but i can't play it with the current dialog system. you just have no control there and can't even tell what you're going to say. i refuse to play some guessing game of chance with dialog as this will just frustrate me to no end, so what is the likelihood of bethesda patching the dialog system at some point do you think? i know a lot of people are complaining about it so maybe they will listen and add an optional traditional dialog system?
at the very minimum i would need to have the full lines (that's 100%, not just longer paraphrases, regardless of how long the line is) i'm about to speak visible in the wheel, that's the bare minimum i need to actually go ahead and buy this game and play it. ideally though they would patch in pretty much the old traditional dialog system from past bethesda games. i'm not hopeful of that though.
what are the odds though of this happening do you think? please don't tell me "mods will fix it". i don't use mods out of principle and never will, i think it encourages laziness and complacency amongst game developers.