My guess would be even later than that.
Bethesda has only said 'sometime early 2016 ' for release of the toolset we will use on PC's to make mods needing toolset . (already are a good number of
mods on Nexus, and not just texture mods, but simple ones that help). The definition of 'early' could mean sometime between Jan1 to May30 or even later... stuff happens.
It will take time for one: Mod makers to learn how to make them with compatabilty with consoles in mind.
two, and more important, it is my understanding any mods will have to be approved for consoles via some murky unknown system
done by Bethesda, Sony, and MS for their respective systems.
Whatever mods show up for consoles, I'm sure the length and depth of the selection will be far less than what we can get for PC version
of the game.