Defend Settlement - Attack not starting BUG

Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 3:09 am

I did not find this Bug in this forum yet - i ll apologize if so.

The problem is that i got the "random" defend settlement quest - Tenpines Bluff in my case - i ported there but no attack is commencing.

As I first arrived i heard a settler say "Where did they go?" and several settlers told me something bought beating synths. I walked around the settlement but could not detect any enemy. I ported there again - still the quest is open but nothing is happening. The happiness factor is already decreasing like as if the attack had already happened. If i port to any other place on the map but this settlement the quest will fail.

I found this bug confirmed by other users via google and several possible solutions - but they all involve non ingame steps (mostly console commands like complete the quest or killall). I would just like to report this so it can be fixed orderly. Thank You

(I know i can prevent attacks by increasing defend value - but thats not the point here)

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Maya Maya
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:18 am

I have something similar, I have a quest called "defend abernathy farms" in which the only objective is to talk to preston garvey. Unfortunately, nothing is happening at abernathy, and talking to preston does nothing. The quest also can NOT be deactivated. svcks.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:08 pm

Had it happen to me the day before yesterday.

I actually killed off a Synth Invasion and got credit for it. But the Mission acted as if I never arrived. If I tried to leave then the settlement got wiped as if the Invasion happened with full success. If I stayed, nothing happened. Ever. I waited for close to a MONTH in game. I cleared every single critter out within walking distance. Nothing. I eventually chalked the settlement up for a loss and moved on. I came back after it was wiped, did the basic repairs, and left. As soon as I fast traveled I looked back at my settlement list. The "wiped" settlement was now at full strength again (it had been at 0 population and was now at 13 after on short fast travel) as if the attack never took place.

One of my least favorite bugs so far.

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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:20 am

Same thing, and it happens often. I call this a game breaking bug. Sorry but it's a feature in the game and it's not working. Any real gamer finds this to be a horrible bug.

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kirsty williams
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