I wonder if there is a notification when one of my settlements is under attack by raiders or mutants?
Thank you very much!
Apparently not, I never get any notifications when that happens and I keep coming back to ruined turrets.
The only thing you can do is add a trip wire and a siren but you only hear it when your nearby.
Never saw such quest, but almost every time I fast travel to a settlement theres an attack happening. The worse part is that my defenses are always "green" and I actually keep defense way up of the population numbers (6 setlers = 12 defense), so i cant do anything else to avoid these attacks.
There is relation between frequency of attacks and your food and water production versus defense level. Smaller your defense rating compared to food and water production, more likely your settlement gets attacked. There might be some other things affecting attacks but this is one about which there is general consensus.
Would be great to have a little notification when a settlement is attacked
Don't wish for them. They become tiresome after you have a few settlements. Also no matter how high I get the defense rating, I'm always needed or stuff gets broken and has to be replaced/repaired. I even cheated in two dozen various gun turrets all protecting the crops and they still all got destroyed in Sanctuary because I did not abandon a dungeon dive to go protect the settlement.
The quest notification is really easy to miss, and mostly you're busy deep in a dungeon/building anyway when it happens I find. If I'm outside I might check my miscellaneous quests and find there's a defend settlement quest there, and I have no idea when it appeared on my list.
I think the defend missions might need a bit of an overhaul, make them so you're not inside a building when they appear for a start.
me too...but my settlements dont seem to get attacked except that one time...or i never see any signs of it? but then again, i place my turrets always high up on roofs so that they cant be easily reached
I didn't know they showed up as Misc Quests. I thought they only popped up in the upper left-hand corner for a few seconds -- miss it and it's gone. That's good information, thank you. Another simple solution would be to have a "Notifications" section at the bottom of the Pip Boy page that shows settlement status, since "supposedly" that page is updated in real-time.
I say "supposedly" because the updates seem to be somewhat wonky and unreliable (at least mine are), but that's a different topic for a different thread.
Tiresome indeed.
Frankly, one of the charms of Fallout is the ability to explore at will and the ability to stack up questlines until you're prepared and ready. These timed quests are really pissing me off.
I've been looking for an alarm mod to make it more obvious when your being attacked. No luck so far.
What burns my bacon is when I have enough overkill-turret fire power to cut a deathclaw in half and my settlement still gets taken apart by 3 bunnies and a sparrow if I'm not there.
When I'm present- I don't even have to pull my gun. The turrets mow everything down.
Why don't my turrets seem to work if I'm not in town?
So this. I show up to the raid, and my ridiculous defenses rip the raiders to shreds without me lifting a finger. Hell, I run around and watch.
The whole reason I put the Turrets in are so that the Settlement is secure without me being there. Totally stupid that I have to physically be present for automated Turrets to work.
I would like an audible alarm to sound whenever you pick up any timed quest, Settlement Raid or otherwise - not in-game, per se, but an alert pop-up to tell you, the player, that an attack is in progress.
I have so many plants, water, turrets, etc at Sanc that I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have the mats to repair it all at once, so missing a raid there would be a crushing blow at my stage of the game - I'd seriously consider throwing in the towel.