I suppose this won't make much sense to you guys, but...
Currently if my character gets killed in FO4, I just reload and go on differently. However... if my character gets stuck in an inescapable death scenario, I just can't bring myself to go to an earlier save. My first character for instance was attempting to elude a sentry bot just wanting to get out of the building and the area he was in. So, exited the door snetry bot started hammering him, turned and went back through the door, and the sentry bot bet him in and killed him two seconds later. The autosave reloaded with my character outside the door the first time, and no matter what I did, I couldn't escape. I then tried to see if there was any way to use the second autosave to get back through the door, but no matter what I did he was dead in seconds.
No, I wasn't playing Dead is Dead, but still I couldn't in good conscience reload the character from a much earlier save and go on, so I deleted him. It just wouldn't have been the same, you know?