Yeah, but I use the commando perk. I wish I could rechamber it for .38 and keep it automatic. That would be ideal.
It looks like a Lewis MG from WW1...
not like a normal Assault Rifle.
Thats like making a Sniper model and making it a shotgun.
Hiram Maxim would be proud shame the assault rifle doesn't fire linked 8mm
Eh, it's called G3 in the meshes, and it definately has just as much in common with the G3 as the CETME (I served in the Norwegian Armed Forces way back when and used to lug an H&K G3 around, so I¨m kinda familiar with them ). It's 5.56 instead of 7.62, and has a slightly too short foregrip, but other than that it's a dead ringer for a wood-furnitured G3.
The amount of base guns is already really low. While I agree with your aesthetic choice this doesn't really solve the ugliness of the only 5.56mm gun.
Random loot tables who are not adjusted.
Worse in Skyrim with fresh fruit in tombes.
The pipe weapons could be confiscated guns or something.
I'm actually not really sure, what I should think of the Assault Rifle.
One one side it's much more unique, than the generic ARs in earlier Fallouts, on the other side it seems pretty useless gameplay wise. It has lower damage than the Combat Rifle, uses on of the rarest kinds of ammo and is one of the last ballistic weapons you encounter in the game. I just dont think it does anything better, than the Combat Rifle. Sure, it has a larger magazine and I think a faster rate of fire, but since automatic weapons itself seem pretty underpowered, I don't think, that's helping at all.
On top of that it feels kinda rushed in terms of design to me. The coolant line, that just randomly vanishes in the handguard... The cases, that eject to the left, even through the ejection port is on the right... It doesnt even have a cool reloading animation (I love the classic CHA-CHAK of the Combat Rifle and Shotgun ) you just pop in the mag and away she goes...
I like it, but they should have called it Light Machine Gun. Also, they should have had normal Machine Guns too.
Would really fit with the Power Armor.
Mmmm, big anti-tank sniper rifle shooting flak-burst rounds, making it long distance shotgun *drool*