If the mod forums are opened prior to the CK, then there should be a sticky titled "Please Read This First: A Warning About Pre-G.E.C.K. Mods" and then followed by an explaination that 1) As with Skyrim, pre-CK mods (ESMs and ESPs) have been proven to cause damage to your game, which is not always apparent or the effect is not always immediate, so use them at your own peril. 2) Bug reports from users that use pre-G.E.C.K mods are to be considered invalid and ignored.
Maybe someone like Arthmoor, or someone on the *Edit team should suggest this to GStaff? At the very least, we can at least have a player base that is more informed on the matter.
I know I won't be modding until the G.E.C.K. is out, I want my 1st character to last and be untainted by faulty mods, unless it is textures/meshes, or something like ENB/ENBoost/ReShade. I regret not waiting to add them and didn't find out about how bad pre-CK tools were until it was too late.