Actually, I love Fallout 4. I see it largely improving upon Fallout 3 in almost every aspect. I think BGS did a phenomenal job overhauling the shooting mechanics, revamping crafting, implementing settlements, redesigning power armor, and especially building the world. Never has a BGS game been so dense with places to explore in the environment. It truly is so immersive to really believe you are exploring an actual city when you can enter most of the buildings (and they have verticality) rather than Fallout 3 where you could only enter a couple buildings in DC. I even like the voiced protagonist, even if the voice acting is inconsistent at times and not as smooth as a BioWare title. Regardless, BGS did a lot right, in this game.
I also think BGS largely did what they set out to accomplish, and that is improve on the main story. Never have I played so much of the main story in any BGS game so soon after release. Generally they are never compelling and they are one of the last things I do, years after release. However, with Fallout 4, beating the main quest may be one of the first things I do. For whatever reason, it just seems more appealing to me than main stories were in previous BGS games. My only criticism is I have a game breaking bug preventing me from continuing the main quest, so I literally couldn't finish it even if I wanted. That's not stopping me from enjoying the rest of the game though. Either way, with BGS selling over 12 million units within a brief period and having the highest number of simultaneous Steam users playing Fallout 4 in Steam history (over 470,000), BGS has a lot to be proud of.
Without a doubt, I'm sure Fallout 4 is going to be BGS' most successful title to date as Skyrim was before it. Todd and team just knows how to make games people will enjoy and love. It's certainly not perfect, but I've been having a blast playing it the entire time. The only other game I'd argue that would give Fallout 4 a run for its money this year would be The Witcher 3. Otherwise, I think Fallout 4, to no one's surprise, is in a league of its own.