Hi, this is my first post and I hope other peopple agree on this.
I have a little sugestion for an update on the game, I know bethesda doesnt like to put new game plus on their games and I'm ok with that but in stead of that why not add new challenge to the game once you cleared it once, for example once you create a new character to appear an screen that allows you to choose between different challenges for example:
- Steampacks give you only 1HP.
- You need to eat and sleep everyday or you get a pretty bad debuff that cuts your AP and agility.
- Companions die permanently.
- If you die your equipment is looted by the ones who killed you.
- Companions are more likely to disapprove you or leave you.
And things like that and in exchange for every challenge you accept you get more % of getting better drops, like weapons/armors with special status effects to appear.
I hope you like my sugestion, also is a suggestion dont take it too personal and feel free to comment.