Did anybody figure out how to modify companion behavior or ai packages?
There are 2 things I want to do basically:
1. When you tell companions to wait, I want them to use a sandbox package instead of the holdposition package. All attempts to change that package have been futile thus far. Its almost as if something else is overriding whatever change I made. What could the cause of this be?
I assume that for interiors this hold position package is used: FollowersCompanionCombatHoldPositionInterior [PACK:001E05BA]
According to FO4Edit its using the HoldPosition template as a base. Making it use the Sandbox template instead didnt work. Not even when I replaced all the data with the data of the Sandbox package...
I tried changing the FollowersCompanionPackage too. I wanted the companion to stop roaming around, made the package appear exactly as the standard FollowPlayer package - still no luck. It is as if no changes whatsoever are recognized. Any ideas?
2. I want companions to speak their "idle dialogue" when they are following the player character. Having been used to Skyrim′s Vilja, I feel like I am accompanied by mutes now Are there any flags I would have to set in the package, so they will actually talk their idle lines?