Where do i stand in this great game?

Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 11:36 pm

As most others on this forum, i love this game. But lately i noticed that i am a bit confused at the moment. I'm level 26, Have a combat rifle fully upgraded, 10MM fully upgraded, sniper rifle fully upgraded, combat shotgun fully upgraded and a unique laser rifle. As armor i have full upgraded combat armor and some legendary combat armor. This worked great for a while (level 20-25).

But lately, i notice that i'm having issues with enemies. I play on normal difficulty and i didnt have alot of problems till level 20. But lately i noticed that enemies like super mutants, synths and other enemies became a pain in the butt to kill, or to handle the bullets/auto aim grenades they try to penetrate my body with....

Where do i stand in this game? I sometimes had this problem in previous fallouts but how is my loadout standing against the level i am? I just did the castle and the part wihere i just visited Kellogs (dont know if thats his name, just a way to remember him haha). Can someone give me some tips on where i stand in this situation?

Oh and another thing to this rather long post, sorry for that. One of my quests is displayed as completed, but the text is dark and i cannot complete is. Its the quest "clearing a way to sanctuary hills" and i have to talk to preston to complete it. Theres just no way i can complete is, is it some sort of bug? Any way to fix it? I'm on PS4 by the way!

Hope you guys can help me out! And sorry about the english, its not my native language :).

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Tiffany Carter
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:10 am

I'm right about the same point except i dont use a shotgun. there is heavy combat armor thats significantly better than combat armor. It's not just a mod it's a new armor type. I just started putting points into armor so you're ahead of me there. I recently got a plasma pistol which is a step up in guns. There's the plasma rifle and kellogs .44, and the assault rifle still to go.

Then what perks do you use and do you actually use them or did you spend points on things that aren't making you powerful. Sneak and chems give you a powerful edge. and dont forget about power armor. If I find a place to be difficult I'll go get that. The different regions have different difficulties as well.

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Avril Churchill
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 4:14 am

Well the game REALLY wants you to run around in Power Armor. I'm level 32 and I have 4 copies of Power Armor. And i wasn't looking for any of them. I tripped over the armor in various parts of the world. What is odd to me, why have so much Power Armor, and so little fusion cores? I would've preferred it the other way around.

I suspect the enemies level up with this in mind.

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Richard Thompson
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:31 am

Thanks for the comment! Is there seriously a heavy combat armor kind? Never ever did i see that! Alot of synth armor tho, but dont think, while fully upgraded, it will be better than my combat armor. Didn't see alot of plasma weapons, are they more powerfull than others? I sometimes use the power armor, just for the bigger missions. As far as perks go, i went for the lockpicking perk to the highest ranks of locks (master) and science till expert. Also got all the perks for modding as high as they can be, scrabber for the scavanging and really didnt focus on sneak perks or chem perks. Also have 1 point in the non-automatic damage increase, any other suggestions?

I also have like 4 power armors, i only use them for some quests and missions. Fusion cores arent really the problem for me tho, but i dont use power armor all the time. It shouldnt be that you can only survive with power armor on right? What am i missing, i thought my loadout was pretty good but i just lose some gunfights with ease...

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Marquis deVille
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 1:52 am

the wasteland a dangerous place and theres not much you can do when a super mutant decides to shoot a fatman at you.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 7:06 am

just do more sde quests, explore, build better weapons, or use the power armors, there are many ways to advance,

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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:16 pm

Thanks both for commenting. Both comments kinda say the same thing: proceed and find/level up more. I understand that, was just wondering where i stand atm. It aint even Fat Man that ruin me, epic battles with me as a barely breathing winner, checking the loot and seeing the enemy shot me with a pipe pistol... Things like that making the game very confusing for me haha.

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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 5:04 pm

It helps to stay in sneak mode so you can see if there's someone out there gunning for you even if you're not sneaking. It sounds like you have a lot of the crafting upgrades which do give you damage and resistance from gear but dont give many special bonuses. save often and even without chemist you can use jet on bosses and legendary creatures.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:27 am

OP, you didn't take many combat-oriented perks, at least from what you said. That is likely a reason why you are finding encounters more difficult now since you are roughly halfway through the leveling of creatures (based on max level needed for perk activation).

Companions can help a lot, of course, even if just to draw attention from you.

Keep in mind that there are four different damage/defense types and different enemies are vulnerable to different types. It may be that you are simply using the wrong tool for certain enemies, thus they are not hurt much.

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Kay O'Hara
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Post » Sun Nov 29, 2015 9:11 pm

So little fusion cores?! I feel like there is an overabundance of them! I had 40 at one point with no use other than to sell them since I don't use power armor. I haven't felt the game really wanting me to use power armor at all. Sure it's available but so are long johns lol you can easily go through a lot of the game without using PA. I've only used it during the first Concord mission and a BoS mission when you're forced to wear it

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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 5:43 am

Does it? I only ever used mine in the area you first get it. I'll be level 40 soon and it's all about the sneak attack for me.

I'm making a sort of power armor museum with many various suits all together for me to put one on someday.

I haven't had issues that indicate power armor is what the game is balanced around but I though the commonness of these fancy outfits was just to make sure you still had a progressing path if you wanted a power armor build or if you didn't.

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Shianne Donato
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:40 am

Yea yea...what this guy says...I'm bout same level but I got 2 perks each for rifles and pistols...my combat shotgun does most of the work with like 140 dmg...got a .50 cal sniper rifle at about 98 I think...just upgraded a combat rifle to about 70-something...a fully upgraded silenced 10mm...and Kellogs .44 with a scope I renamed Blackhawk...not having too hard of a time with enemies...except the occasional surprise gang battle...or once I had 3 suicide super mutants run at me at the same time...got 2 but ehh yea the 3rd one blew the hell outta me.
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