As most others on this forum, i love this game. But lately i noticed that i am a bit confused at the moment. I'm level 26, Have a combat rifle fully upgraded, 10MM fully upgraded, sniper rifle fully upgraded, combat shotgun fully upgraded and a unique laser rifle. As armor i have full upgraded combat armor and some legendary combat armor. This worked great for a while (level 20-25).
But lately, i notice that i'm having issues with enemies. I play on normal difficulty and i didnt have alot of problems till level 20. But lately i noticed that enemies like super mutants, synths and other enemies became a pain in the butt to kill, or to handle the bullets/auto aim grenades they try to penetrate my body with....
Where do i stand in this game? I sometimes had this problem in previous fallouts but how is my loadout standing against the level i am? I just did the castle and the part wihere i just visited Kellogs (dont know if thats his name, just a way to remember him haha). Can someone give me some tips on where i stand in this situation?
Oh and another thing to this rather long post, sorry for that. One of my quests is displayed as completed, but the text is dark and i cannot complete is. Its the quest "clearing a way to sanctuary hills" and i have to talk to preston to complete it. Theres just no way i can complete is, is it some sort of bug? Any way to fix it? I'm on PS4 by the way!
Hope you guys can help me out! And sorry about the english, its not my native language .