We need a halloween quest where we carry the pumpkin and have to go to different places and collect candy from various people.
How were you able to go into Diamond City on October 31st when the game was released on November 10th? Are you a time traveler? Or did you just set your clock back?
Well, the Bombs fell on October 23, 2077... The stores had the Halloween decorations on display... the kids where looking forward to go trick or treating. It's rather sad to see all that stuff in the old Super Duper Mart. War, war never changes!
But so cool that they are decorating Diamond City for the different holidays! I just got there yesterday, for the first time.
I love these little details they put in the game. Christmas took me by surprise as I just randomly travelled to Diamond city one evening and found the whole place covered in decoration and christmas lights It made me wonder whether they've also made weather cycles somewhat reliant on the time of the year. I mean I guess alot of people have noticed how it rains almost all the time. Maybe that's just because we start the game in the late autumn ? Maybe someone (if anyone) who's made it to the spring / summer months can shed some light on this? Does it seems more sunny and clear in the summer months?
A system like that would be very easy to implement because basically they'd just need to have the game adjust the percentual probabilities of different weather conditions depending on set date intervals...