40 hours played so far on the PC , love it overall , and incredibly no major bug and just one crash to desktop in these 40 hours. And running well on a 3-4 year old mid range spec PC ... very impressive !
- still no bows / crossbows / spears in the game, you would think that these basic weapons would be around and used in a post apocalyptic world
- annoying dialogue console style cross type of dialogue options + where are my Perception / Intelligence ... type of answers ?
- no craftable ammo ? really ? I can build mines , make drugs , make poisons ... but no ammo
- just one ammo type per caliber , no Incendiary , Armor Piercing , Incendiary Armor Piercing , Explosive , Tracer ammo ... sad
- missing 5.56 , 7.62 / 7.92 ammo ...
I know that most likely these will be available through modding, but it would be nice not to have to deal with that and potential extra bugs and hassle of doing it , plus taking care of mod compatibility.