Is there an in-game way to do a 360 view of the player model on the PC?
Is there an in-game way to do a 360 view of the player model on the PC?
you mean just circle around him/her with the camera?
Dont know what system you are on, but for ps4 outside of settlements, you can hold the big middle button and zoom out in third person to be fairly far out and see your whole character and then just circle around with the normal view cam?
Sorry but thnx, Nunos100. I ment on PC. Edited my post accordingly...
just move the mouse while weapon is holstered or hold down the middle mouse button while not in a settlement
I think he's looking for console commands like there was in Skyrim for example.
TCL or TFC something like that.
Thnx, for the replies. Not looking for console commands, just the free look 360 view.
I'll try the suggested options when i'm at home tonight.
Hold V while out of range of any and all workbenches.
Perfect. This is what I was looking for... Thnx!