Anyone notice how the PC in the top picture holds a 10mm in her right hand a has a rifle on her back. One could only dare dream.
Anyone notice how the PC in the top picture holds a 10mm in her right hand a has a rifle on her back. One could only dare dream.
I dunno, mine's a 770, and it's fine usually. 60fps in most places, and rarely drops to 40 in Diamond City, occasionally brief stutters to 30 in heavy parts of Boston, but no crashing or freezing. The processor is an i7 4770k though, so maybe that helps me.
It's interesting that they started using the woman SS in their marketing. Initially it was always Mr Boobies (I insist this is his canonical name) throughout E3 with only a brief admission that you could play as a woman.
let's be optimistic, then. Gratz for the good observation.
It can't rain all the time! Let's hope for the best!
fyi.. I have 980m and i7 quad, my biggest fps hit was when I turned down God Rays to medium. lost all my textures and fps dropped like a rock. turned back to ultra, no problem.. weird. Otherwise all settings on ultra, runs fine.
Anyone hear anything about manual patches being released on the site?
Highly doubtful. They haven't done that since morrowind if memory serves.
Beth please fix these bugs
Stop sending all your companions to small Settlements then
Apparently a lot of the stuttering is caused due to very large texture sizes. I installed this: I got a massive performance boost. In boston areas stuttering would last several minutes before fps would go back up to 60 but the mod reduces this down time to seconds.
I also found out that if you "set timescale to x" (x being less 30, I run 10, this also affects ingame clock) you get less stuttering because shadows aren't updated so often. 30 (default value) means that shadows are being every few seconds which hurts fps.