Whenever you are not using a suit of armor that you consider yours, REMOVE THE CORE.
I left my PA at the settlement for a couple of game days, but went back and removed the core. I am glad it was still there when I did that.
Yeah, never leave Power Armor unattended with a loaded Fusion Core unless it's specifically there for someone to jump into.
I've got so many frames at this point (and sets of Raider armor) I've started setting them up in my settlements as a sort of "In case of Emergency - Hop In" thing.
I found some power armor standing in a field, so I took it back to my red rocket. However I didn't mount it on the rig & when I returned it had gone. I found it again later in the same spot where I first eye balled it. I guess it might have to be mounted to brand it as your own.
Heh, yeah I've done this to Sanctuary. I have 3 sets near the guard stations so the guards can jump into them. Well I hope they do and not some bandit.
Although I'm starting to suspect that Sanctuary Hills is just that, a sanctuary. They've never been attacked and I don't think they ever will.
actually not ... have a second power armor next to my bed (feels saver ) and it is still there without the rack
Son! You got power armor jacked!!
We need to make this a thing. A meme or whatever. Man, if Fallout 4 had a Multi player component to it I would just LIVE to power armor jack people.
Yeah, I build Armor Vaults in my settlements.
Buildings with no entrances or exits (I just put two of the 3-sided metal pre-fabs together) to hold my Armor.
You can't get to it without hitting "V" and moving one piece.
So far, so good.