" No Gaben-san, I don't even like Viva Pinata, please don't make me buy it, what? Only 50p? Must. Resist. Oh it is no use Gaben-san! O O
' o
" No Gaben-san, I don't even like Viva Pinata, please don't make me buy it, what? Only 50p? Must. Resist. Oh it is no use Gaben-san! O O
' o
I was telling why people don't make as big of a deal for GoG sales..
if you have every store in a local mall having a 95% off sale, at the same a local specialty book store does, which do you think is going to get far more attention?
I tell myself the same thing when I craft a badge and get coupons for useless indie games no one wants to buy.
Eh, while I still have "gotta get it!" games each year (AAA/Day 1 releases like Fallout 4, Bioshock:Infinite, Borderlands), my backlog has been making it easier to tone down on purchases during Steam sales. I see something for 50-80% off, think "oooh! "...... and then think "eh, I don't have time for the games I'm already playing. By the time I clear some of those out, it'll be time for another sale. I'll get it then."
I may have still gotten 5 or 6 games last Big Sale. And even played a couple of them. I almost never manage to craft the holiday badges, though. (And don't think I've ever done one from a game. I get my ~3 card drops from playing, and then never see another card. No friends to trade with, and don't bother with the auction house. Never seems worth selling them, either.... they're all only worth 6-8 cents. I have no idea how these "I bought six games off selling cards!" people do it.)
Oh look gog.com has another random sale they made. They call it only on gog.com sale.
So there's plenty of random sales on gog.com as well, see?
It's funny when GMG tries to undercut Steam sales by like 5 cents.
That's another thing, the sales are only good really for older AAA titles (which should have decreased in price anyway) or crappy indie games.
yes, but they are mostly older titles, and even then not that expensive in the first place..
this is the reason GoGs sales don't get as much attention as Steams.. sure, some of those games on sale there atm are really good games (I loved Neverwinter Nights 2), but its not going to make as big of a splash as when a brand new AAA title that launched a month and a half ago goes on sale for 66% off
Just have to be smart with your purchases. Buying PCs and upgrading is a fine art. Im still running an i7 2600k overclocked from 2011, and just recently upgraded my video card and SSDs to run Fallout 4