Problem is I need mods for it so does anyone know of the best places to salvage or buy combat rifles from so I can try to get the mods?
Narrow this down by the specific materials. Combat rifles only provide junk based on their type, and this may not help you mod what you need.
If you need adhesive, look in toolboxes for wonder glue.
Oil, believe it or not, soap provides it.
The list can go on.
Lots f good junk can be found at vendors too. One trick I did to buy a lot of junk is to invest in the ammo perk, sell the unused ammo to a vendor, and buy the junk.
Probably best to just power grind. Do the Quartermastery and Cleansing Commonweath missions until you are at level. Along the way, you can pickup tons of junk and weapons.
BADTFL Regional Office has tons of loot.
Vault 114 has lots of enemies carrying sub-machine guns and .45 ammo.
With combat rifle, are you referring to the assault rifle, shotgun style, or the .45?
Anytime bud. Send you a PM on some locations.
FYI, both locations have a magazine, and Vault 114 has a bobblehead.
Took a Scoped Institute Laser Rifle from a bunch of Synths. They had me holed up in a fairly high level area at level 7. I tend to wander. I saved in a small room and found a passage.
What was in the passage made me run back to my hidey hole, it killed all the Synths and I scooped a very nice gun. The first nice one really, although the plain ol pipe sniper, with the hardened receiver is pretty beastly. The modding sure took over my perk progression.
for a non-leg weapon, a hair trigger assault rifle has some really great dps.
add in the rifle perks, and you're doing almost 100 dmg per bullet, with about 50 rate of fire. it's not automatic, but sure get the job done fast and effectively.
dont forget, if you add a silencer, and get some of the perks that increase silenced weapons by 15%, just makes it even more OP.