And a few Legendary Cliff Racers to go along with it (wait wrong game)
And a few Legendary Cliff Racers to go along with it (wait wrong game)
There's jokes and then there's this.
Pure evil is what this is.
Depends on how you build your character. Shoot my one endurance character gets murdered fairly easily - If I am not careful.
Some of the legendary items in this game are flat out broke though. Miniguns with + damage for example. If your using something like that, then of course the game gets trivialized. (Or combat shotgun with + dmg for that matter)
Bethesda always gives you the freedom to make a god like character if you so desire. It really is up to you to maintain your own level of difficulty. If you don't want to play a god like character.. you have to not build one.
How to not be a god: Don't wear armor.. stick only to clothing. Do not put any points or perks into endurance. Do not take any modding perks and rely only on what you find. Do not use stimpacks and only rely on food and water to heal you.
Right now I'm playing a light armor, stealthy sniper character. I put 1 point into endurance (because I didn't want to min max) and at level 26 I only have 167 hp. (177 -10 for molerat disease) I've taken no modding perks and am totally relying on found equipment. This pretty much means that as long as I'm far away from my target and sniping I'm safe. Up close and personal I die really, really easily.
Self gimping is part of the role playing aspect in these sorts of games. It's not an mmo where it's important to have the very best build or you won't be wanted in end game raids. No one will kick you out because you only use a certain type of gun and it's not the one that does the best damage. It doesn't matter if your gear is based on looks instead of defense.
You can do whatever you want. You will find a lot of us like to pick a certain build prior to starting a game for different characters. They may use certain types of guns, may or may not be proficient in science ect.
Now you can spread sheet it out and make a character who only uses the perks, weapons and gear that does the very best d amage in the game. But you will have to understand that the game is not built for just that style of play. Not that I don't like a little balance, I mean overpowered spell usage like they did with Morrowind is kind of out of control. I understand however that balance is not very important in a single person game that is left open so that you can challenge yourself or not depending on what you enjoy.
What is this endgame content OP talks about? Never heard of such a thing in FO
Open up the console and use these two commands, should provide you with some challenge.
setgs fDiffMultHPbyPCSV 0.01
setgs fDiffMultHPtoPCSV 25
Think he means what you can do after you have beaten the main story. Which is limited in a few ways, not that much though.
This is just not true.
All bethesda games have ridiculously heavy focus on combat. Pretty much all quests have you face massive amounts of enemies and level design basically forces you to kill everything on sight. Many non hostile npcs also almost constantly remind you that everything is out there to kill you. This leads to all non combat builds being extremely bad and probably impossible. Bethesda wants you to KILL MAIN BURN and actively discourages everything else.
Compare this to new vegas where all in on charisma and speech is a legit strat.
That's why you don't rush the main quest in Fallout Game
I mean Lv 40 and you already at End Game
I'm LV 28, 4 Int and 1 Luck, only barely beat the map.
Somehow I play their games without maxing out gear or weapons and get through their quests. I stick to what fits my character. You can say I'm doing it wrong, but I'll probably happily continue to do it wrong.
This amazes me so much, the min/max croud complains that they have a godly character when they max their stats and bonuses related to combat. You made the choice everystep of the way, you enjoyed the power gain to stomp on your enemies into the ground (or paint the walls with brain matter from range) with less and less effort. Bethesda developers have said in interviews that they want to give the players the freedom to either make the game as hard or as easy of an experience as you want. If you want to run around in PA with a Fatman dropping mini-nukes like Jonny Appleseed or you can run around in sixy Nightwear with a Switchblade trying to stab everyone, it's your choice.
Avoid maxing out those stats and perks. Is it so hard to think outside the "must max stats" box? You want impossiblely hard? Get other people to fight for you, use the "crappy" AI to get things done. I don't know if it can be done, but you know what, I'll try it one of these days because it looks like it might be an option.
If I find it getting too easy, I don't blame Bethesda, I change things because I have the freedom and will to do so.
You honestly don't need to even min max to be godly character in this game.
This scenario will happen sooner or later. The game is designed to end at some point.
Of course you could argue that Bethesda could scale the game better,
but that is hard to do with so much gear and costumization involved.
What they could do, is make more tweaking options available in the difficulty settings.
But there is the other side of the coin as well.
Some people WANT to feel overpowered when they finally get all their gear ′maxed′.
And THEY would say: ′what is the point of me getting all this rare loot, if I still get my ass kicked′.
Also; Are you playing on max difficulty?
Beth games don't offer the "achiever" type game style very much, since min/maxing or powergaming often just breakes them balance wise. They are more about exploring and doing whatever you want rather than challange. Like others have already said, there is no end game. You beat it. You just get to stick around in the world for as long as you want. And if you already finnished the mq and you're only lvl40 i bet there's alot of quests you've missed and areas left to explore.
If that or starting a new char doesn't cut it for you you'll just haveto wait for a DLC or a mod to make it harder. Otherwise i can't recommend Bloodborne enough if you own a PS4 and need something challenging. That game is sooo good.