Hey peeps!
So many comments/questions

Where to start?
First thing I will look into is energy weapon ammo weight. It will take some tweaking but I have to agree that not all ammo types need to be heavier really.
I personally would perhaps boost the restore sleep bonus a little and maybe give them a small AP restore or something?
That is essentially what I have done. Currently sunset sarsaparilla has a small hp regen of 1 hp every second for 10 seconds. These drinks help you stay awake and quench thirst now rather than make you more thirsty. Nothing terribly epic for the most part though I may remove the small hp regen from Sunset Sarsaparilla.
50% boost to all weapon damage. ( This module seems problematic in that mutants insects and creatures are too easy. May not include this one )
Like you and DUB said, a little problematic with how different DT works compared to DR. If you set the damage too high even a 10mm pistol will punch through a power armor, so damage is something one has to be much more careful with in NV than in FO3.
After a short time of playing with this module active I quickly saw it almost breaking the game in a few ways sadly. :/
I wont be releasing with this one I think. I think a damage mod will have to be much more in depth to work correctly....
Definitly adds a nice FPS feeling

I would just maybe make sure to except Throwing weapons from this rule, since you need to carry a few around of those.
Yeah I also have to watch out for binoculars and other such misc items too. Ill have to have a way to ignore things like explosives, throwing weapons ect. I will have to see how the functionality will work in NVSE and hope that I wont have to have a very large occlude list.
Very interesting idea - certainly would have a tremendous impact on the economy of the game by means of further limiting looting. This would also lend well to an additional perk (trait?) to allow for "more hands" and/or a slightly reduced penalty for going over the limit.
IMO this would also lend itself fairly well to something along the lines of the craftable materials backpack mod, where the backpack is actually a separate container -- where you could carry looted weapons where you're only carrying the weight and not the "hands", but also don't have them available in your inventory for use.
Down the road I am all for adding perks and one of the first perks I thought of would be a way to get an extra hand or two.
I can also see a pretty interesting synergy with a storage backpack of some sort with the six hands limit. I like the idea that the backpack would still have weight but it would not count toward the hand limit. That is a really cool idea. I wonder if the backpack can work in a way where work benches see what is inside of it and you are able to carry a larger amount of random items for crafting....
Any plans to give currency a small amount of weight?
At the moment I have not given much thought to adding weight to currency simply because it may hinder some of the more enjoyable aspects of the game. Though it would be easy to make an optional module to do that.