I just wanted to show off this amazing build, the first few links are to my altered version of the Prydwen.
the last one was a good attempt at mimicking the vertibird docking arm, but as this is an airship with gravity affecting it, the whole Prydwen would tip and sink with the added weight.
I just wanted to share this with the community.
also I hope this is in the right area, i couldn't find a community share section. I also apologize if mentioning or featuring other games is against the rules, I went into the rules to find out, but I didn't see anywhere where it said featuring other games with Fallout themes is forbidden, I know featuring other games as advertisemant is not allowed, but I don't think this qualifies, if it does then please forgive me.
but as to the ship itself, It is just super fun to RP with some friends using the Prydwen, and this is a dang good 1:1 replica of the ship itself. it's got the whole interior mapped out as accurately as it can get, even modifying someone's vesion of the vertibird was fun. keep in mind, this version that I'm using does have mods.