So, I planned on finally searching out each distress beacon / signal today to clear them out from my radio list. I wanted to do this with the non "station" signals to make sure I visited them all and either got the associated quest or cleared out any loot / bad guys near them. I figured this would be easy as the BoS beacons I found disappeared from the list of signals as soon as I picked up their beacons, but quickly found that distress signals don't ever clear. It would be nice if there was a way to either clear them from the list by locating the transmitter, doing some small task around them (killing bad guys, picking up a holotape, etc.). That way I would only be able to see in-range/out-of-range signals on the radio list and not ones I have already visited. Anybody else feel the same way?
p.s. I love the game so far and it is only super small details like this that I am nitpicking on, can't wait for official mod support and DLC!