I've noticed that whenever I help secure a check point, after the fighting is done, my Railroad buddies ONLY say things about Patriot. At first, I thought it was just luck of the draw, but I stayed back and talked to them several times over and realized that is all they say. I don't know if this is a bug I have or if this is the entirety of their post game dialogue, but either way it severely blows. Mainly because I'm not sure Patriot even died. I hit the general evacuation before I blew up the Institute and seeing as how he was supposed to be our man on the inside, I thought he'd get some kind of preferential treatment when we stormed the place, but apparently I missed him getting knelt down and shot in the head or something, because that's all anyone can talk about.
I hold out hope for a patch, or more likely a mod, to fix this because it is severely annoying when I'm trying to RP continuing the game and the NPCs are fixated so strongly on a death that might not have occurred (going to assume it did at this point). Anyone know if Patriot actually dies when you storm the Institute or upon blowing it up? Also, does anyone know if my Railroad dialogue is bugged or if this is working as intended? Thanks!