On the subject of cursing and warnings don't link to profanity in the future or you will receive an official warning.
You second sentence has a spelling error, I assume "deceipt" is supposed to be "deceit" although these changes, while frustrating, hardly seem deceitful. Your profanity, exaggerations, and attempts at humor are going to make this harder to take seriously as well. If you want to register a complaint in the future I'd suggest you be more professional about it, chances are that will be taken more seriously.
I went to Binghamton University for my graduate studies and they also "upgraded" to an internet system which was far inferior to the previous one. I didn't mind them changing systems its just that the new one felt unfinished, although it hasn't changed in the years since it went up so I suppose it was finished, that's a scary thought. If you continue having problems with the system I think you should skip it and just go to the offices in person - that has its own inconveniences but you'll probably feel better in the end. This may also be a productive time to complain,
civily, about how the online system works. If you have constructive suggestions all the better - criticisms carry more weight you have have suggestions (and "go back to the old way" isn't going to help I'm afraid.
