When you have something "tagged" in your inventory to show the little magnifying glass when you are looking around, does the object glow onscreen in the color of your HUD?
Do containers that are holding things you have tagged glow?
I use purple for my HUD...since nowhere in F-4 does Beth use the color purple, so my HUD really shows up very distinctly.
And, for the last 18 hours, or so, everything I have tagged for "easy-search" glows, as do containers holding said objects.
Even worse! When on loading screen the models even glow purple! (It makes some of them rather hard to see to be honest.) But, not all of the time. Sometimes they appear normal...this seems to have nothing to do with "tagged" materials.
Anybody else having this happen?
One one hand, it is helpful when searching for something like "oil"...flip-top lighters are rather small and the glow really makes them hard to miss.
On the other hand, it makes my workshops glow purple...which is irritating. (to me)
(((PS: 100 InterWeb Points to the person that can tell me, with using a search engine, what movie "The Glow" is from...it even had a song. (lol )))