Something that would at least let me scout ahead a bit, and keep me from unexpectantly sitting on a DeathClaw's lap like it was Santa and Christmas was the next day.
So, this is what I came up with to deal with having no set of least until I find some in the game, or they are Modded in...
Weapon: Pipe Pistol
Receiver: Light
Barrel: Stub
Grip: Standard
Magazine: Standard
Scope: Long Recon
Muzzle: None
Weight: 1.9
It has the zoom of a sniper rifle, and tracks targets just like a good set of "futuristic" binoculars should do.
I only use them as binoculars...I don't even carry .38 ammunition.
(Except what I accumulate to sell to vendors to make a little profit on the side.

Do you do this yet?
Has anybody found any "real" binoculars in F-4 yet?