BTW I found a great use for power armor blank suits because I had like 10 of them. You can line them up outside your settlement entrance to funnel enemies into a single file line

Nothing is stopping NPC's from using a Vertibird or a suit of Power Armor with an inserted Fusion Core for that matter.
I was fighting a couple of Synths outside a building, including a Legendary one, very tough. I saw the Vertibird and thought "Aha, air support!" except they were firing at me. I got worried because I thought maybe I had killed a BOS soldier by accident and turned them hostile, but it turned out to be a bunch of Gunner punks. It was kinda cool.
Gunners sometimes control Vertibirds not just BoS
Didn't know Gunner's could hi-jack vertibirds. Never encountered it myself. Nice feature tho!
Close to the one Gunner stronghold south of Diamond City I got to watch a BOS Vbird vs Gunner Vbird show down. They were basically circling each other and shooting like big flying cardboard boxes. Twas glorious.
At least Super Mutants aren't flying Virtibirds... yet...
I was more thinking of them 'attempting' to fly a Vertibird, but then crashing it into the side of the Boston Bugle building and blowing up everyone withing a 3 block radius...
I've never before seen a gunner vertibird.
Not at gunner's plaza, not at quincy, not anywhere.
I'm level 80.
223 hours in and I've yet to see a gunner vertibird, but I know they're confirmed to be a thing.
Hijack em all you want, those scrubs will meet a quick end via mobile AA battery that is the quad Party Starter.
Gunners can hijack them and attack The Castle then! (P.S. I made The Castle an Anti-Fly Zone. Vertiberds live, at most, 5 seconds there).
Hmm, maybe this is what happened to me when I thought the BoS was shooting at me for no reason. Not that it mattered too much as I brought that svcker down with the Party Starter rocket launcher.