
Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:03 pm

Well, I don't need anything Xrated, the pillow talk we get from companions is good enough in that regard. I wouldn't mind them adding a hug, or maybe a kiss animation if it was done well. But then, we'd have to consider peoples sensibilities, what's a dignified kiss that would be "okay" for both genders, and sixualities. Anything considered "passionate kissing" can easily become awkward to look at if its not done well.

I *do* admit, the fade to black in FO:NV with black widow benny, was hilarious. However.. I wouldn't really want to hear something like that every time my character sleeps next to/with their lover.

As far as transgender goes... theres a certain NPC already in game who is close enough to representing something like that for me, anything more should just be left to peoples personal interpretations of the game, and their own character's role play.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:20 am

All you need is a six change merchant in game. And soon as you pay the merchant to change your six, your PC = Transgender.

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Joe Alvarado
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:57 am

When all is said and done it's an open world game where people want to be able to do what they want. There are plenty of great games like fable where six and relationships work well and Sims where micro management of your npcs works well.

I think people just want the option to have it open to them. Doesn't mean they need to use that option.
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Sharra Llenos
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:33 am

Actually I hadn't thought about this when I posted, but this is actually a fantastic post.

I would much rather prefer something like "high five", "hug", "peck", "kiss" during dialogue. It'd be easier in a list like previous games, but if the dialogue wheel had an option like "actions" that lead to another wheel for another series of choices like "romance", "friendly", "negative".

I'd much rather something like petting my dog, high fiving my friend companions and kissing my romance option over six or marriage any day.

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Robert Garcia
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:05 am

A few things to note about this topic:

1. Companions should have a sixual preference. At least one being Bisixual of each gender though. Put more personality into them honestly.

2. six doesn't need to be in the game itself. Heck, if Bethesda ever add anything (most likely a "black screen"), it better be completely optional in romance. As an Asixual myself, I don't want to do that disgusting stuff, at least with my main character. (I always have a main character that suppose to represent me in the universe in games like this).

3. Transgender isn't a real gender, honestly, just a term to explain a specific situation. However, I wouldn't mind meeting a female NPC who was once male or vice versa myself.

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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:06 am

Yes to both. Why? Simple really. When I say six I don't mean "just the six". I see the act for what it is. An expression of being close. So even fade to black gets that point across. And we do have romance, so why not? What's the point if you can't be intimate or at least pretend that within the games mechanics? 'Course, some people can just care about the physical act alone and wish to pretend they're knocking boots for the sake of it. Whatever works. I don't judge.

As for transgender people, I go with the logic of "They're people too". I would not have a problem with a few in the game, despite them not being my thing at all. And seeing the no votes in that area forces me to ponder how many have taken them into consideration. Both real and not. And it shouldn't just be 4, it should be more games in general IMO. Again, not my thing. But again, people too.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:40 am

We also need some kind of SJW faction on the game that gives you quests that requieres you to censor Pipers Jourlal and raid every radio in the game to censor stuff like... any stupid thing and close the radio entirely in the end of the quest line but only leave the "Its a man" song play over and over because Social Justice.

And also some kind of feminist faction where you need to go naked to the mayors office to protest and requires you to be an ugly female either fat or buffed like a man or you cant enter the faction at all and make a radio signal just like the minute man that plays classic music instead this one will on ly play "its a man" over and over.

The trangender facton could start with the doctor that changes your appereance and he could give you the option to change six and stuff.

DEFINITELY what we need in our games this days.

I also recommend this utopic videos for people like me :

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:01 am

I'm trying to decide if you're blowing things out proportion or if you generally accept difference in general. Hard to tell. I'm leaning more towards the former due to "Transgender facton". They're a people like any other and it wouldn't be fair to "dump them with their own kind". Just because there's a community in reality screaming for equal rights to strangers doesn't mean it has to be that way in a game.

The rest I don't care to comment on. Because, frankly, it's all quite off topic.

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Genocidal Cry
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:51 am

I agree that the set differing sixualities lend to better storytelling, but having them all player sixual is kind of said and done at this point. Plus it would svck to have picked a character to be your SS's lover, only to have that companions sixuality retconned. I *do* have my own personal preset applied to the companions however, what I picked for them however wont work for everyone.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:37 am

This has pros and cons. But I have seen that games can cater to all genders with well written content that is as good as each other in games. Both in terms of romance and smut. Without coming at a loss pf personality. If anything it adds to it because there's more content for all in the examples I have seen (Which I obviously can not provide in public). Though of course, it can risk a loss of content if one doesn't dedicate themselves fully to the task. I'm all for immersion, but I'm more for "Is this character able to interact as fully with everyone". For that reason I would say it's worth going the extra mile to do so. And it's actually something I intend to do myself with a certain text game I have yet to even start making, due to still needing to learn coding skills. Requires a hell of a lot of dedication to cater to all sides, but bloody worth it.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:34 am

That said I don't really care either way. There was one in DAI and I thought nothing of it.

You making this into a way bigger topic then it actually is.

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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:16 pm

You can't even flirt with non-companion dudes in this game man. Pretty sure Twitcher has wider representation at this point. Also that's a weird segue you got there. six would be whatever, I could go without six scenes simply because Beth's animations svck donkey dike. The topic/theme would be welcome. Seeing how a transgender person fits in/adjusts to the Wasteland would be interesting too but it's Bethesda, it can be barely make losing your son compelling.

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Emerald Dreams
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:44 am

There's enough of six on the internet, no need to waste resources and player's time just to show an obligatory six scene as a reward for completing all fetch quests for a companion.

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Katey Meyer
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:33 am

The game could use a bit more Romance in my opinion than just more six the game could use the moaning of six like Obsidian did in FoNV. i say more romance because the game needs at least a marriage of the main character. Heck you can marry a NPC to a robot why not in Fallout. It just seems romance has become a perk hunter game instead of some sense of the word of love. it seems lack luster at times. i haven't heard much from our main character to imply that he or she is in love and the vibe of our character seems like they are after just a one night stand. just give me marriage, more romance , better dialogue when in love, and six noises since their competitor of the franchise did it. that is the most of six that we need!

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Rachel Cafferty
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:53 am

I voted yes to both, on the six subject I do not wish for porm but I also find it very weird that I don't get in bed with my significant other but instead stand over them creeper style and watch them sleep then here "I never knew you could do that with a mutfruit"...wait what did I do with the mutfruit? I never even laid down.
On the transgender, just make your character look the way you want impo, unless you want to make a nudist colony I don't know what this would accomplish that making a feminine man or masculine woman wouldn't, HOWEVER, radiation has caused stranger things and there is even a shadey basemant surgeon already in the game...and KLEO, who is clearly a woman if you don't already know.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:15 am


Also the thread is tagged "democracy"... Well wouldn't that mean only as many transgendered people as the demographics allow for? I can't imagine that would be many anyway.

I mean... "An estimated 3.5% of advlts in the United States identify as lisbian, gay, or bisixual and an estimated 0.3% of advlts are transgender."

Not everyone would buy those numbers, but then one would be defining other people's sixuality for them and I thought we were trying to move past that.

Then we could give "some people" more representation, than the demographics actually support, which I'm not a fan off either... Which again is a thing we've been fighting to move past *cough* apartheid *cough*.

Personally? I think it's ok to have a minimum representation of eg. 1 in games, for the people who, otherwise, demographically would get no representation at all, but not much more beyond that...

Because I don't believe that any one person is more important than any other one person and to act otherwise is allmost per definition undemocratic and a representation of things we've fought against for so long. 1 person, 1 vote... no matter if they're rich or poor, black or white, straight or gay, transgendered or not.


In regards to six? Well I think that would be highly representative of the majority of people and I don't mind it. I'm an advlt... but I don't need it in the game either. I think it usually fits as part of a romantic storyline, but it's waaay down on my list of priorities.

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KIng James
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:07 am

I am 4 Transgender relationship, i would like to have a romance with Miss Edna, the school mechanic mistress :)

She look very sweet and openminded !!

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John Moore
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 11:10 pm

Yes to both. six is a big part of human life (and supermutant life??), feels strange when it is excluded. I don't think the persons to be allowed to play the game could be ruined when they see human six. At least I'm a bit uncomfortable with persons who don't bother seeing people turned into bloody mess, mutilated and killed in a video game in every possible manner but suffer mental breakdown when looking at a naked body part.

Transgender people are very few, much less than homo- and bisixual people, so it should be the same in game. It's a natural part of life, it should not be excluded but it should not be exaggerated.

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Jeff Tingler
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Post » Mon Nov 30, 2015 10:42 pm

No, humans exposed to FEV loose all gender-specific features and organs.
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Wanda Maximoff
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:47 am

I didn't vote, since both questions can have multiple answers. six, it depends. I would have loved it, if there had been a little more to the romances than just one talk, the handing over of the perk and the occasional lovers embrace at night. Nothing explicit, but maybe a kiss and a fade to black for immersion.

As far as transgender people are concerned - how would you even know if they are or aren't there? They leave no impression on that world, as far as gameplay is concerned. So, the question is best answered with I don't care one way or the other, since I didn't even give it a thought.

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