I waited with great anticipation and yes it has fulfilled expectations mostly.
But the settlements are deriving me to despair as IF I receive another whinge from Abernathy farm about
raiders or sanctuary hills about Ghouls I will go insane as both have had me cleaning out multiple locations
x3-4x over(Olivia has been cleaned out 4x alone, Corvega 3x etc) . I am yet to receive such a quest from any
other settlement and most have more people than the above two.
As well the settlements about to be attacked give me rarely a clue (brief flash in top left corner almost always
missed) and I have to revert to an old save as these are some of the best fire fights (12 gunners attacked
one)in the game.
Also some degree of lessened briast feeding of the settlements would be nice as I have the impression that
I must carry rolls of toilet paper with me always as that is that I seem to have to do constantly at each settlement
(metaphorical) as they cannot manage for a second without my presence. I quite like the settlements but so far
I have scarcely finished a quest other than a settlement one and I am already lev 34 (mind you I did do a lot of
early roaming), So the ability to delegate to a leader would be nice just to actually get on with the game while
those exclamation marks 99% of the time have NO value and I am SICK of asking settlers and only being able
to trade as no one there knows whats up and while they do come up to me and tell me the problem about 1 in 20
I have usually fixed it already(although placing beds under showers in the Slog was really "bright" of me )
I also wonder why some of the obvious new vegetation(see fungi) has no use and is not inter actable as I
wondered if magic mushrooms were on the menu and I am yet to find a use for not a few that I could collect
(perhaps I need more science)
The perk/attribute system is excellent and forces choices. I spent hours before I came up with 3,3,3,4,5,5,5,
although wasting 4 in Charisma almost had me suicidal initially. I am a little annoyed with how much Perception
I will need but...I will have it one day
Overall minor annoyances but FAR better than F3 or FNV and well on the way to competing with F2 as a legend.