Hai Guyz,
It seems that FO4 has an unusual number of bugged quests, even by Bethesda standards. I have come across three so far, two of which are BOS. Is there any way to work around bugged quets(E.G. console commands?).
I am currently having issues with the following quests:
The Silver shroud: I put the calling card on the first target's body(forgot his name). The card had even disappeared from my inventory, but the one step is still marked as incomplete.
The Lost Patrol: I try to talk to Paladin Brandis, no dialog pops up. I even tried bringing Danse along. He will attack me if I walk past him, but when I try to initiate dialog nothing happens.
Learning Curve: I guide the generically-named scribe to the terminal, he does not interact with it. It took me forever just to coax him into the elevator. I used the terminal myself to open a door, but to no avail.