Digital- or physical copy?

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:00 am

Here's my tale!

I preordered FO4 for PS4 and at the meantime, my brother's birthday was coming up. So I gave him two options for his birthday present, preordering of FO4 or watch SW7 on the premier day. He choose FO4 and I had miscalculated my budget for November and couldn't afford two preordered copies of FO4, so at the release day, my brother came with me, I changed my preorder to PS4 to PC, so he could have it, but I didn't tell him. I got the PC game and he questioned me: "Why'd you preorder for PC, when you are a Mac and PS user?" (Yes, yes, go hate on the Mac user, I have my reasons!) I told him about my budget and that I couldn't change it now, so he couldn't talk me out of me not giving him his birthday present.

Now I have a question for you all!

I can buy the digital copy of FO4 for DKK 499 (EUR 66.88 / GBP 47.09 / USD 70.77) or the physical copy for DKK 478 including shipment (EUR 64.07 / GPB 45.11 / USD 67.79). I will save DKK 21 (EUR 2.81 / GBP 1.98 / USD 2.98) which isn't a lot and I don't really care if I save such a small amount, my question is, what would be best? To get it as a digital- or physical copy?

Thanks for listening to my tale!

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Matt Terry
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 12:26 pm

One thing to note about the PC version - only a small part of the game is on the disc, so you'll need to download a lot anyway. If that makes a difference for your purchase.

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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:02 am

@Kiralyn2000: I need it for PS4, not PC.


I downloaded it from PS Store, considering that the psychical might be more awesome, but having the digital version, saves the space of disks and changing them overtime I want to play another game.

?Thanks anywho!

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Far'ed K.G.h.m
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:20 am

Ah, whoops. Sorry :)

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Jarrett Willis
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