I read something that mods ARE coming to console. But at the same time we, console players, will not have access to the developer room.
Can someone confirm or deny this for me?
PlayStation 4 (PS4) and Xbox One purchasers of Fallout 4 will not have access to the Creation Kit. You need to purchase the PC version of Fallout 4 on PC from Steam to get access to the Creation Kit.
I heard that mods are definitely coming to Xbox One and PS4 but definitely not until 2016. Bethesda doesn't technically 'support' mods for the PC at the moment from what I have heard.
So you are just going to have to wait.
How do you mean doesn't technically support mods? Considering they have released their dev tools for free since Morrowind and have been campaigning for mods to come to console for nearly a decade, I find that quite hard to believe.
From what I heard, PC users will get official mods first, then Xbox One, and finally Playstation 4. There are already mods for the PC, but most of them are retextures or use programs unauthorized by Bethesda so these types of mods can cause some serious problems to the game. Also, console mods likely won't have the same freedom that PC mods have. Nudity mods likely won't be available and there are some mods that are far worse than mods that show some skin.
I think they mean that they won't help players fix the game if they are using mods that ruin the game. Although, I have heard something about unmodded version of the saved game files in case something goes wrong with a mod.
Bethesda is going to allow users to create mods on PC that will then be vetted through some process and put onto the Xbox and PS4 download centers. No one really knows whether things created by modders will be only free versions or if Bethesda is going to try a console-version of the Paid Mods thing they tried earlier this year on Steam. (Source: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/how-fallout-4-pc-mods-will-work-on-xbox-one-and-ps/1100-6432134/ )