Unable to turn in quests QuartermasteryCleansing

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 1:27 pm

I have one of each quest that I have completed. When returning to police station to turn in quests, the quest givers do not present dialog option to turn in quest. Waypoint to turn in is above their head, and the only dialog from NPC is to hurry up and complete quest. I restored a save several hours old from before quests were completed. Completed them again, and still cannot turn them in. If there was the ability like fallout 3 to cancel the quests from the quest log, I should be able to then talk to them and get another randomly generated quests, however there isn't an option to do this, so this renders this line of repeatable quests broken for post Main Quest completion content. Which I haven't done yet, but none the less it leave far less options for continued play after I finish the game.

This bug is game breaking unfortunately, please patch in ability to cancel/drop quests from quest log so that they can be restarted and completed properly.

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Joie Perez
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