I realize I'm going to be in the minority on this but I would really like to see a super hardcoe realistic mode for the truly masochistic players. Per community feedback, all the following should be individual options that can be turned on or off before starting a new game. Once in the game, the options can't be changed without starting a whole new game. This mode would include the following options:
- Requirement to eat, drink, and sleep regularly. (to account for this, game time is dramatically slowed from the standard hour every 5 minutes most games like this use) Failure to do so will result in penalties to stats and skills and if you let it go long enough, you will die.
- Related to the above, you can get sick from eating uncooked or spoiled food or drinking dirty or unpurified water.
- Everything has weight. Everything.
- Player companions can die.
- Healing takes time (as opposed to using a stimpack and instantly regaining health, it's an over time effect)
- Food does not heal you. Being well fed will cause your body to heal very slowly over time, but food itself does not heal you.
- Weapons degrade with use and have to be repaired or they will break. However, unlike previous installments where you can slam two crap shotguns together and get a good one, since this game already has the very involved upgrade process, each part has its own durability and replacing a crap barrel with a crap barrel doesn't do any good. You have to either find a replacement part in better condition or make a new one from raw materials. That said, weapons don't degrade as quickly as they did in Fallout 3. I've been around guns my whole life, they just don't degrade that quickly. They can if you don't take care of them, but not under normal use.
- There is no manual saving. The game will make two copies of an autosave (in case one gets corrupted). It autosaves every 3 minutes, when you exit dialogue, when a companion or NPC dies, and when you exit the game. You live with your choices and there's no undoing them so be careful and make sure you really want to shoot that guy in the face before you do it cause like real life, he ain't coming back.
- It is far easier to get killed in combat. Getting shot in the chest will often times be fatal unless you have really good armor. Any torso shot (gut shot) that is not immediately fatal will apply a nasty bleed effect that will drain health every second. Limb shots will cripple the limb in question and apply a similar bleed effect. Bleed effects will stop on their own if left alone and you don't bleed to death first but can be treated to stop them prematurely. The chance of crippling a limb and severity of the bleed effects are determined by the type of gun shot with. Small caliber ammo like a .22 would have a lower chance to cripple a limb and a smaller bleed effect in a limb and it wouldn't last very long compared to something like a .44 mag which would be a definite crippling, a much larger bleed effect, and a longer lasting bleed effect. For reasons that should be obvious, a laser or plasma gun won't cause bleed damage but can still cripple limbs. A head shot will be instantly fatal 99% of the time unless you have power armor and certain weapons will still be strong enough to kill you inside power armor (high powered rifles, rocket launchers, mini nukes, etc). On the flip side, it's much easier to kill enemies because they live and die by the same rules.
- Related to above, power armor makes you a walking tank. Small arms fire (9 mm etc) and melee attacks cannot hurt you but the suit can be damaged and need to be repaired or it will stop functioning. High power rifles, miniguns and the like, and large explosives can still hurt you, as well as more severely damage the power armor so it requires repairs more often.
- If you die, you are booted back to the main menu and your saves are wiped. You get 1 life. BE CAREFUL
On the main menu there will be an option called "Memorial of the Dead" (or something else appropriate). Clicking that option will open a first person experience in which you can walk through a hallway and in alcoves of this hallway the game will place "life size" replicas of your dead characters. Each character will be wearing whatever they were wearing when they died. They will be wielding whatever weapon they were wielding when they died. And there will be a screenshot of their death from a 3rd person isometric perspective. You can choose what pose the dead hero is displayed in, taunting, shooting, cowering, whatever, and this hall will house as many dead characters as you can be bothered to kill, but you can delete characters out if you want, in case you'd rather not remember Ricardo, the drug addict that was killed by a mole rat while wearing a dress for funsies.