Yes, and it will look terrible.
I actually can't remember a single game with a character creator that had good pre-sets for asian people.
Yes, and it will look terrible.
I actually can't remember a single game with a character creator that had good pre-sets for asian people.
You can name your character however you choose, you just won't hear your robo butler say your name.
and? He's the only one who would actually know/say it in the first place...
Yet everyone you meet, generally, first thing that happens is, you exchange names...... You know, conversation, polite (post apocalyptic... and polite may not go well together....) society.
No as you select and the modify one of the presets in practice. Only reason for race in FO3 was the pretty simple system and that they could use an preset on your father.
The wasteland is neither polite, nor much of a society. You exchange bullets more than you do names. Can't tell if your joking or not, but if you are it did give me a bit of a chuckle.
Shepard had the name he did because the devs at Bioware chose to name him after Alan Shepard, the astronaut who was the first American in space (and second man in space ever). Given that appx 1 out of 5 people alive today are Chinese...and that's not counting all the ethnic Chinese people living in other would be stupid to not have "Asian" presets for PCs in a game where you had the option to customize them, so i doubt they will do that.
It WAS rather tongue in cheek, But, I don't shoot merchants, or 'filler' npc's as a matter of course, and certainly not named NPC that don't want to kill me FIRST.
It will be interesting to see just how many NPC's DO refer to you by name, rather than some title, or insult.....
Ah, we'll see. Most of the time, I only ever was referred by name when it was a death squad sent to kill me .