First Microsoft and Sony have to allow keyboard input for games. So far I don't think that's happened. To chat and email, yes. But actually play a game with a keyboard? Anyone know?
I can hook a keyboard up to my Xbox and use it to type. I used a keyboard when moderating in private servers. I don't think there is support for actual key and mouse gameplay though.
It would be a pretty neat addition though. I'm sure some would go crazy for keyboard and mouse for games.
The only game I know of that allowed console commands was the first Two Worlds game...a game that was BARELY stable enough when it came out...Seriously, I got an achievement in that game once, and the graphics broke and I could see the game code...
Now with mods it should be possible to generate an interface for the most common console commands, turn clipping on and off if stuck is probably most important. Advance current quest might be useful if quest is bugged. Perhaps resurrect and duping could be done too.
I just managed to drop an gun by accident and kick it under an coach.
sorry, but hahahaha
Give some shoots at it, maybe this works. =p
I do hope consoles get a dev console too sometime, cant tell you how many times a gamebreaking bug can be solved by using a console commond to fix it. Missing character, why not just spawn him/move him next to you? Lost a key item, well additem cheat to the resque. Main downside is for you achievment hunters, even if you accidentily hit the console key, all achievements earned that session are lost, due to you having "cheated".
Console commands already exist, right? I can command my Xbox to turn itself off and stuff with my voice.
Now if only you could voice command codsworth to get you some tea.
I want it just for fixing inventory glitches and quest bugs. It should have been available in previous Bethesda games. Other developers have put out lite versions for years. As to keyboard functionality that wouldn't be required but I can verify that PS4 can use mouse and keyboard set ups I know of one shoddy FPS that M/K setup can be utilized. Personally when I play fallout on PC I just unplug my controller and access the editor for whatever I need to fix. Plug my controller back in and I am on my way.
Be vocal. Make it happen folks!