who would like to see 111 go one on one with a dalek
I don't have the faintest idea what you're trying to say.
Daleks. I believe he said Daleks? The enemies from Doctor Who? (Sadly, I haven't ever watched the series though.)
No -w-'
There are those robobrains already though... They are run by biological being/organ like the daleks, and oh, they don't hesitate to fry you with their lasers and sonic pulses.
i forgot about robobrains yes thay are like them lol
I... what?
I assume you're calling the protagonist of Fallout 4 "111"? You're asking if there should be a crossover with Doctor Who? What...
By the way, it's spelled "Dalek."
Dalek would win on short range indoor battles
in terms of fallout universe. robots are quite bad at combat againts meatbags unless they manage to ambush them.
Never apologize for Miss Spelling, she is delightful.
Just for you OP, http://i1369.photobucket.com/albums/ag209/Mindboggles/MaxIntro_zpsf3e817ce.jpg
EXCEPT............................. Liberty Prime.... Yeah, I went there.
It depends if it's a post-timewar one with forcefield shielding. If it's an old one the eyestalk is still https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBkzlcpBJ-I
I should have had it published by now, got held up with voice acting and I've still got some play testing / bug hunting to do. It should more than satisfy peoples desires for Dalek's.