Fallout 4 will be the first time we will actually be seeing the world before the Great War alive and active. We've seen glimpses of it mainly during intros of the games (I guess you can count Tranquility Lane if you want), but never have we actually experienced it, or even more so, live it as a character in that time period.
What exactly are your thoughts on this? Are you excited to finally see and experience a Pre-War America, or perhaps you would have preferred not seeing it at all?
Reason I say this is, in my jolly old opinion, a part of me wishes that we would never see it. I always saw the Pre-War era as a civilization that was forever lost, and it sort of added to the mystery of it. Sort of like say, the Forerunners of Halo. They were an ancient civilization that was highly advanced but was lost long ago and the technology and constructs for which they left behind was always a mystery. Until they were brought back in Halo 4 and that mystery was lost, and the Forerunners became just another alien to shoot at.
But again, I feel mixed about it. I'm not entirely against it, but...eh.