And holy %@#!, is her accent so over the top obnoxious. People actually like listening to that?
And holy %@#!, is her accent so over the top obnoxious. People actually like listening to that?
I like the way she says ars.
Accent not as bad as Curie's though.
Curies accent makes sense though. Shes a robot, programmed/inspired by Marie Curie.
Cait has this terrible stereotypical accent, that absolutely no one else in the wasteland has. Remember Moriarty from FO3? That is a much better accent. Now if she was a ghoul who had been speaking like that for *literally* centuries? Sure, I'd buy that.
I get that it's just poking fun at it, but it definitely could've been way more effective it was toned down and subtle
Well I've discussed before how unlikely it is that after 200+ years of basic isolation we still have Irish and Russian accents. But then we go into "but people still travel the world, blah blah" which I really don't want to get into now.
But to talk like that you would have to assume Cait's parents spoke like that since she lived with them for her first 18 years. But it also didn't sound like Cait's parents were world travelers either.
I like Cait's accent personally. But then I personally love accents, I find them fascinating.
Sure nobody else speaks like her with that Irish descendant thing but what-ever. It makes her unique.
Why sir, I do declare, that August Autumn was a true southern gentlemen sir.
I have a couple of Irish friends who talk just like that, not just the accent, but the tone and the emotions behind the words. I think she's easily one of the best characters in the game because of that... Maybe OP has a problem with Irish people?
Yeah im usually pretty sensitive when it comes to fake accents. But in the Fallout world I am willing to suspend a little bit of disbelief because it's another world. When I heard Cait speak and act, my first thought was that she was a female Conor McGregor (a UFC fighter with an entertaining personality). So it was pretty neat having her follow me around with her quips.
I finally found someone who spoke with a full Boston accent. The guy sold me a new fangled thing called a chag cad. What I would like to know is why only a couple locals kept the accent, shouldn't everyone have it or no one?
Didn't bug me at all, never even occurred to me that it could be annoying.