Ok, these issues need to be addressed. I don't want to keep cheating in the flare gun lol.
1) Make it so that settlers can't steal the 1 and only gun you can't buy, or make.
-Please make it so that a pipe-pistol can be converted into a flare gun. Or just have it so that flares can be thrown like the other grenades. Geesh.
2) Artillery issue:
I went to a settlement, built 2 artillery. Assigned 2 settlers. Went to the target area, 2-3 map blocks away.
I threw the smoke, and note 'Artillery out of range'.
I go back to settlement, both units were un-assigned. Wth?
-Somehow, there could be a note saying where the Artillery will be coming from when you choose the arty nade?? That would help, maybe.