New driverspatch made the game unplayable for me

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:33 am

Hello everybody,

I realize there are many similar posts, but as we all have different PC's I assume the problems we have are also different. Let me start by posting what I have the game installed on.

CPU i5 2500k @ 3,8 GHz

GPU Asus R9 380 4 GB

RAM HyperX 1600MHz CL10 16 GB

SDD Samsung 850 Evo 250 GB (for games only)

Motherboard Asus P8H67 rev 3

The game detects Ultra settings every time I check. It's unplayable right now. I tried to play at medium (with shadows/AA/godrays turned off/low) with only Textures at Ultra/High and the City or even closed areas made the game stutter all the time. Railroad HQ, next to the empty bathtub, where there is literally nothing, makes me drop down to 20 FPS. That is unacceptable.

Couple days before the beta patch for F4 and Radeon Crimson center was released the game was running smoothly (except maybe the last part of the main story where you fly around the tower) with average of 45 FPS on high/ultra with only godrays turned medium. Is there something that I could have screwed up or is it just temporary? I'd like to stay up to date with my drivers and patches so before having to revert back to older versions I'd like to explore all the other possibilities. If anyone can relate or at least advise on some solution, I would be eternally grateful.

Thanks in advance, miziu!


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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:24 pm

Did you uninstall everything then install the crimson?

There are uninstall and install instructions on the driver page. One of the tabs.

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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:28 pm

From what I've gathered many people have such issues and seems that setting the game to fullscreen - borderless can ease the pain. I will give it a try later on and let you know whether it had any effect.

@jasper1979 Actually I did let the Crimson update by itself. Do you think I should do a clean installation again?


The game runs 40-50 fps on ultra settings with godrays on low and shadow distance on medium. I didn't reinstall my drivers nor uninstalled the beta patch. All I did was setting the game to windowed borderless mode @ 1920x1080p resolution. Hopefully this will be a long lasting solution untill there is a newer patch solving the issue. I will be updating this post whenever I find any other useful tricks :)

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Dawn Farrell
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